My Daughter at Age 12. You can tell that she was ticked off at me while I was painting this; sometimes when I am in a 'mood' I go too far. . . this time I went too far. The mushroom in the corner represents our Italian family friends; they were mushroom enthusiasts, Agostino, who was Melisa's age and his father Fortunato.
Oil Pastel Painting
By Anthony Boughen
Artwork © Anthony Boughen. All rights reserved.
Moonglow by Anthony Boughen, Moonglow Anthony Boughen, Oil pastel Moonglow, Oil painting of Moonglow, Anthony Boughen oil painting
Artwork Details
Original Painting
Subject: Daughter
Medium: Oil Pastels
Dimensions: 32" x 24"
Privately owned.
Not for Sale